Monday, August 27, 2012

Post Op Recovery

My left hand is doing a lot better. I am typing normally now. Unlike, a couple of days ago, I was doing the one hand-two finger typing with my right hand. My finger tips of my left hand are still numb. Doc says, it'll be like that for a couple of weeks. But feeling to my whole hand is back. Haven't taken any pain meds this morning, so the pain is there but really slight. I mean, I'm typing even with the pain. Yesterday, I gave myself a scare. Made a stupid decision to work Camera 4 during the morning service. I should have sat out and rested. Bur for some reason, I decided I was good enough to return. Yesterday afternoon, my left hand was in terrible pain. Even with 800 mg of pain meds to counter the pain I was feeling, I wanted to head to the ER to get it looked at. I waited it out. I reasoned with myself that if it was still really sore this morning then I'll head in to see the doc. But waking up this pain. My first thought was...did my hand fall off?! I couldn't feel it. was still there attached to my wrist. As I tried to shake the sleepiness from my eyes. It was my right hand that was in pain...must've slept on it during the night. My 2 year old son, Frenz, freaked out the other night while chatting with Rhoda via Webcam. I had waved to him with my right hand. He exclaimed to his mommy that daddy's hand is completely healed. There is nothing there, like before. He didn't realize that I waved with my right hand and not my left. He and his sister, told me the night after my surgery that I'm healed. I'll be okay. I'm claiming that healing! ESTA

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Awesome Week

A lot has happened in the last week. I signed in to a new career, with a new construction company on island on Monday. Their from the mainland. A move that will definitely help me and my family. The position is a Site Safety and Health Officer. I prefer Site Safety and Health Leader. Trust me, the change in words does wonders in team building. The next day, I had CTS surgery at the Surgery Center. I was originally scheduled for 12 noon. We got there at 1000, and waited. 1145, went in, and was prepped. Thought, I was going in at 1200...told it will be 1230. Got tired counting the dots on the ceiling tile. Found out it was 1400, asked a nurse what was going on. She came back and told me that the doctor is still working on the previous patient with a really bad fracture on his arm. Doc came out around 1500, examined me, and got me ready to go in. At 1530, I was wheeled into the O.R. I remember the anesthesiologist asking if I was comfortable. Next thing, I remember was hearing the doc saying, "Amazing muscle structure...". I moved my head to see...I'm out again. Then I wake up later on in Post Op. The next day was a follow-up appointment for my surgery. Doc was great explaining what he did. Have another follow-up, this Wednesday. Started teaching an EM 385-1-1, 16 hour safety course to a new client. They're a referral from another company. Amazing how many training requests that we're getting and we're not actively marketing. All this training is from our warm market. Doing a 40 hour safety training with the same company, this week. The students in this last class,as with all my classes, were great. They asked many questions about unsafe scenarios that they were involved in. It was also great to hear the president of the company support a "Zero Tolerance Injury Philosophy as part of their Safety Culture". Saturday, yesterday, I was scheduled to teach another class. However, the company postponed to a later date. Since it was payday weekend, I did the routine things, took care of Rhoda and the kids. After that was done and doing some errands, I decided to splurge on myself. Since it was a beautiful day outside. I went to watch a movie, "The Expendables 2". I bought some nachos with cheese and jalapenos. It's really not the same, when they don't splatter the nachos and jalapenos with the melted cheese. This one, you had to dip it. Sucky! Anyway, it came with a large drink. I got my fill of sugar for the next year there. Not time, I'll eat at the food court before watching a movie. Anyway, the movie itself was great. Lots of action, shooting, bombs going off, fighting, and blood. I especially like the guys head blowing up at the beginning. Being an old warrior, I thought that was pretty cool, even though it did trigger some of my own unwanted memories. After finishing Expendables 2, I treated myself to another movie, "The Bourne Legacy". That was another cool awesome movie. I didn't like the lady behind me giving the narrative to her family members. She didn't have to announce to the whole theater that she didn't like her former homeland. Later that evening, I attended the company dinner of my new company at the Fiesta Resort. I met a lot of the managers, supervisors, and the Corporate Safety and the other SSHO. The other 3 SSHO's didn't attend. The Vice-President presided over the dinner with the Superintendent. One of the PM's was a former student of mine from last year. I had a great talk with the Corporate Safety from Corporate HQ's. Dinner was awesome...enjoyed the buffet. Especially like the lechon, fried chicken, lumpia...all the food was great. I learned that the company is expanding. Especially with the project that I am assigned too. The move into Southeast and Southwest Asia really got my attention. This company is a blessing to me and my family. I'm looking forward to working with a great team and leading safety. ESTA...

Exodus Again.

For those who have continuously followed my blogs, I'm moving here from Multiply. This is my 2nd Exodus since Y360. Hopefully, this will be the new blog home for my page. We'll see. So in the mean time, enjoy the blogs I post. ESTA...