Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cockers, Don't Incriminate Yourselves Online!!!

I got a lot of hits on my "Cockfighting USA" post.  Hmmm, I wonder why? 

Anyway, A friendly message to the Cockers in the USA.  Do not incriminate yourselves online.  You all have to remind yourselves that Cockfighting is illegal in the USA in all 50 States, except the territories.  You have to be really stupid to be posting about any fights online.  If you have someone posting anything about fights on your comment section.  YOU have to delete it. 

Also posting anything about shipping fighting birds to fight in the Philippines is also STUPID.  The federal law states no birds will be shipped across state or international lines for fighting.  To post that information on your page or another person's site is STUPID. 

As a Pacific Islander, of Chamorro/Filipino descent, I understand that this is part of our culture, as much as it is for many Asians.  If you want to keep your cockfighting culture alive.  Keep your mouth shut!  Don't advertise online where millions of people will see it.  All anyone has to do is Google Cockfighting and your site might get hit. 

This is a friendly blunt message to you all. 

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cockfighting USA

Yesterday, a Califonia Cocker,  from La Fuente, made allegations on a previous post of mine, which is now set to "contacts only", after I made my counter reply back to him.  He alleged that my pitbull, Pepsi, has inadequate shelter, is lonely and abused, based on an old picture.  Unfortunately, that's the only picture that I have of Pepsi. 

Pepsi's history is that she was house raised by a relative.  For some reason she contracted a really bad skin rash that looked a lot like mange.  She was left outside and forgotten.  Yes, she was fed and given water.  But that was the extent, of her care.  She was no longer walked, petted, or allowed back into their house.  When a new pitbull puppy was brought in.  My relative's plan was to get rid of Pepsi. 

I intervened because I needed another guard dog.  I gave her a chance and invested lots of money into her vet care.  Within a year, her skin rash was gone and her beautiful black fur came back.  It was hard taking care of her.  I had to break her bad habits and establish good habits.  I taught her how to sit, come, and stay.  The basic commands that every ranch dog should now.  Other than that, she is free to think for herself.  She is a capable guard dog and guards her assigned posts well.

As for the person who made the allegations.  He must think I'm ignorant of Cockfighting.  My grandfather raised me on taking care of his Battle Cocks.  I know exactly how the cockers choose their breeders, especially the cocks. 

A few years ago, I tried my hand in raising Battle Cocks.  It is not easy.  I thought that if I can take advantage of the federal law, by becoming a breeder.  I would make some money.  The return on a proven Battle Cock is two years.  Unless you can have them proven as stags.  Unfortunately, the Cockers on Guam are smart.  They already have their proven lines.  So trying to get into the niche proved futile.

For those of  you who don't know about how breeders choose their line.  They use proven Champions as breeders.  In order to have a Champion, a Battle Cock has to fight.  The last time I checked.  Cockfighting in the USA is now illegal in all 50 states,  Except for the territories.

When I visit farmer/rancher sites on Multiply or other social networks.  I don't make allegations based on pictures.  I don't know the situation of the farmer/rancher.  I learned that encouraging others instead of pulling them down, helps them out more. 

I know for a fact breeders have to fight their Battle Cocks to insure their flock line.  It doesn't make sense to breed a dud rooster.  Only champion birds have that privilege.  Other birds that don't make it, make their way to the pot.  Breeders have to go underground to prove their birds or they go out of business.  Plain and Simple. 

For any Cocker to tell me that they only spar their birds to find a Champion.  YOU'RE Full of $#!%.