Sunday, August 25, 2013

MATUA CONSULTANTS going Inactive but Rebranding like the Phoenix.

I started Matua Consultants in 1997 as a sole proprietorship.  I did various business with that name since then.  A couple of years later after I started up my company, unbeknownst to me, someone incorporated Matua Corporation.  Which to my understanding from Guam's Department of Revenue and Taxation.  They wouldn't be able to do.  Since the name, "Matua" is already taken.  But they did anyway.  

For the last couple of years, I've tried to incorporate Matua Consultants.  I kept getting rejected because there is another name, Matua Corporation, that is incorporated with a similar name. So because of some government's clerk stupid mistake in accepting incorporation papers from a company that should have never been allowed to use a name similar to my company's name.  I cannot move forward with a name that is now widely recognized.  

After a long period of reflection, I've decided to allow my company's name, Matua Consultants to go inactive.  It's time for me to move forward and incorporate my safety consulting business with a new brand.  I will not list it here for obvious reasons.  

In a few weeks, after we incorporate.  I will introduce the new company's name, my partners, and my training staff.  Oh yeah, we're not just doing safety consultations.  We're moving into manufacturing. 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Finally got a hold of Western Union Compliance Department!

Spent the whole morning trying to get a hold of Western Union Compliance Department.  Finally got a hold of them 30 minutes ago, had to go through a 20 minute interview to make sure I'm me and my wife, Rhoda, is my wife.  Also had to confirm some online purchases where I used WU to pay the vendor.  

I had to verify my name, my mailing address, who I work for, my estimated monthly income, last four of my DL numbers, and my position and company I work for, just so I can get the funds I sent yesterday released.  This was a highly stressful event.  

Yesterday was not a good day for me and Matua Ranch.  Post about that later.  

After all is said and done...


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'....Ole'...Ole''...

Having traveled most of Europe when I was stationed in Germany.  I enjoyed going to the football games.  One of my hidden passions not many of my close friends or family knew about.  Football aka Soccer is one of my favorite sports, having learned it in the Philippines, while attending school there in the late 70's early 80's. 

One of the other things I enjoyed was traveling to Spain to take part in the Bull Runs, which we were not allowed to do being active duty soldiers.  So I always put down on my pass, leave, or mentioned to the platoon sergeant that I was heading down to Southern France.  It was easy telling friends and relatives there that I would be in a field exercise.  Not one was the wiser to know, I was taking the train down to Spain.  

It's during these events at the football game or the bull fight that the crowd would sing in a chorus, "Ole Ole Ole Ole"...So I sang a long.  I didn't understand what I was singing, but I sang along. It was fun, catchy, easy to remember song to sing.  Later, I learned from a friend that the song is a cheer or taunt depending on what team or side your on.  

In football, you would Ole' your favorite team and at the same time, taunt the opponents.  In bull fighting, you normally would Ole' the matador.  But there were times, the bull would get the Ole'.  There is a big contrast to European Football aka Soccer and Bull Fighting.  In European Football, you will have a winning team and a losing team.  However in Bull Fighting, you usually have one winner, the matador.  What do you think happens to the bull?  He's slaughtered for his meat.   There are times when the bull would win.  

Today, the Ole' lyrics are sung in almost any sporting event to support the winning team.  

Why bring this up?'s funny when I hear the lyrics of Ole' being used in a Christian song.  I don't know why they would choose to do that.  I sing along because it is catchy, fun, and easy to remember.  But I also quietly laugh in my head that it would be used in a Christian Song.  So I'm guessing the intent is to Ole' God? 


Keep Smiling